
Ambonese Malay Bible app
A dedicated free app for the Ambonese translation of the New Testament and portions of the Old Testament. Includes audio for the whole New Testament.

YouVersion Bible app
You can download the Ambonese Malay translation of the New Testament for free in YouVersion app (Android dan iOS). Search for "ABMA" in the list of Bible versions.

New Testament Audio Recording
The Ambonese Malay New Testament audio recording is available in the ABMA Bible app (Android devices).
You can also download the audio for the whole New Testament here (810MB).

The Jesus Film
The Ambonese Malay version of the Jesus Film can be downloaded here in high resolution (2.2GB) or low resolution (198MB):
You can also download the Jesus Film app to watch the Jesus Film on your mobile device:

Ambonese Audio Bible Stories
25 audio Bible stories in Ambonese Malay are available as mp3 files for free download. You can download all of them (zip file) or one-by one.

Children's Bible Story Books